30 research outputs found

    Technology Implications of UWB on Wireless Sensor Network-A detailed Survey

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    In today’s high tech “SMART” world sensor based networks are widely used. The main challenge with wireless-based sensor networks is the underneath physical layer. In this survey, we have identified core obstacles of wireless sensor network when UWB is used at PHY layer. This research was done using a systematic approach to assess UWB’s effectiveness (for WSN) based on information taken from various research papers, books, technical surveys and articles. Our aim is to measure the UWB’s effectiveness for WSN and analyze the different obstacles allied with its implementation. Starting from existing solutions to proposed theories. Here we have focused only on the core concerns, e.g. spectrum, interference, synchronization etc.Our research concludes that despite all the bottlenecks and challenges, UWB’s efficient capabilities makes it an attractive PHY layer scheme for the WSN, provided we can control interference and energy problems. This survey gives a fresh start to the researchers and prototype designers to understand the technological concerns associated with UWB’s implementatio

    Adoption features and approach for UWB Wireless Sensor Network based on Pilot Signal assisted MAC

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    In the field of wireless sensor network (WSN), Pilot Assisted Transmission (PAT) is a new concept. In our previous research, a mac layer algorithm called, “PA-MAC” was designed, which exclusively uses PAT technique for the medium access control. The performance of PA-MAC was evaluated under multi-hop and single hop WSNs. It was excellent under a single hop structure (i.e. network with a few nodes). But when it was evaluated for the dense network topology, the performance seriously declined. It was noted that the two main reasons of performance degradation are interference and transmission range. Technically there are two ways to tackle a dense network traffic problem. One is to use the multi-hop structure and the other one is clustering. In this research paper, clustering based adoption strategy is examined, and beside dynamic clustering approach multiple optimization features (i.e., clustering formation based on transmission range, dynamic cluster head selection and use of the Volterra code for the mitigation of interference) are added and tested. Collectively these adoption features have not only improved the media access performance but also optimized the network lifetime.In the field of wireless sensor network (WSN), Pilot Assisted Transmission (PAT) is a new concept. In our previous research, a mac layer algorithm called, “PA-MAC” was designed, which exclusively uses PAT technique for the medium access control. The performance of PA-MAC was evaluated under multi-hop and single hop WSNs. It was excellent under a single hop structure (i.e. network with a few nodes). But when it was evaluated for the dense network topology, the performance seriously declined. It was noted that the two main reasons of performance degradation are interference and transmission range. Technically there are two ways to tackle a dense network traffic problem. One is to use the multi-hop structure and the other one is clustering. In this research paper, clustering based adoption strategy is examined, and beside dynamic clustering approach multiple optimization features (i.e., clustering formation based on transmission range, dynamic cluster head selection and use of the Volterra code for the mitigation of interference) are added and tested. Collectively these adoption features have not only improved the media access performance but also optimized the network lifetime

    Jaunā pieeja vides piekļuves vadībā bezvadu sensoru tīklos

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    Darbā tiek piedāvāta jaunā pieeja vides piekļuves vadībā bezvadu sensoru tīklos. Protokoliem, kuri strādā pēc šādas pieejas ir vairākas priekšrocības, tajā skaitā bez sadursmju komunikācijas, spēja strādāt vairākos režīmos, kā arī tāda pieeja ļauj determinēti noteikt kāda mezgla datu pārraides ātrumu. Balstoties uz jaunās pieejas tika izstrādāts MAC protokols, kurš nodrošina bez sadursmju komunikāciju. Tas tika panākts lietojot unikālu identifikatoru sistēmu, kas aizstāj standarta MAC adreses. Kā arī darbā tiek paradīta bezvadu sensoru mezglu, strādājošu ar tādu protokolu, datu pārraides ātruma izskaitļošanas iespēja. Ar piedāvātām formulām var izskaitļot sagaidāmu pārraides ātrumu vairākos režīmos, kā arī noteikt maksimālu mezglu skaitu. Piedāvāti rezultāti apliecina, ka šādu protokolu var izmantot multimediju informācijas pārraidīšanai

    Wireless Time Critical System’s Architecture Development Based on Dynamics of Data

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    The following paper presents approach for wireless transmission system development in time critical environment. Proposed approach uses system’s dynamic characteristics. Such information allows predicting data transmission bottlenecks on early development stage. This in turns shortens overall development time, by reducing the number of backoffs. Dynamics processing is based on Hammerstein model. Which proposes splitting up system on components, that isolate dynamic/static and linear/nonlinear properties. It allows creating an analytical representation of a system, by using low amount of parameters. System’s response is analyzed by treating multiple data flows to model input. The most valuable analysis type is checking boundaries of parameters. The analytical model allows a low effort adaptation to systems architecture changes. The proposed model was tested on real industrial object, with three distributed control stations and more than one hundred sensors/actuators. Created model approved possibility of using wireless communication and pointed out bottlenecks

    Approach for Wireless Resources Access Control

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    This paper describes research in field of wireless nodes indoor localization and controlling access to wireless network resources. Existing methods implement location based services and optionally allows controlling user access only at the authentication stage. Proposed approach, first of all, is aimed to continuous access control. That is significant in applications where unapproved access zones exist. The aim of this research is to develop an approach for realizing the task of wireless networks access control, using physical coordinates of user. Localization is based on time difference of arrival (TDoA) method and triangulation

    Approach for Wireless Resources Access Control Using User Localization

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    This paper describes research in field of wireless nodes indoor localization and controlling access to wireless network resources. Existing methods implement location based services and optionally allows controlling user access only at the authentication stage. Proposed approach, first of all, is aimed to continuous access control. That is significant in applications where unapproved access zones exist. The aim of this research is to develop an approach for realizing the task of wireless networks access control, using physical coordinates of user. Localization is based on time difference of arrival (TDoA) method and triangulation